
Individual Therapy

I typically work with adults experiencing:

I work with some mature adolescents, but only if they are internally motivated to do the work and not being forced to see a therapist by a concerned caregiver.

I do not treat…

Treatments I Use

I use a unique blend of cognitive, somatic, and mindfulness-based techniques to meet you where you are.

Therapy rates:


I accept the following insurance plans (along with most of their subsidiaries):

Meditation Instruction

“I can’t meditate, I’m terrible at it.”
“My mind won’t settle down for even one second!”
“I tried for a while but gave up when I didn’t see any benefit.”

These are just a few of the things I hear, frequently. Let’s face it, meditating is hard! While there are many books and apps that help people meditate, none of them can truly: (a) assess you, (b) help you identify which types of meditation will most likely benefit you, (c) train you in those methods, and (d) help you deal with the particular challenges you are sure to face.

Meditation instruction rates:

Online Workshops

I conduct online workshops on happiness, stress reduction, and meditation. Sign up to hear about those when they happen and make suggestions for workshops you want to participate in.

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